When To Tell the Landlord About Your Emotional Support Animal

When To Tell the Landlord About Your Emotional Support Animal

Updated on May 13, 2022
Written by Andre Gregatti

fact checked by Esa Pet Staff

Emotional support animals (ESAs) are becoming more common in today’s society as more people learn about their benefits. Many people find comfort in having an emotional support animal when facing stressful situations.

Service animals are great companions if you have trouble getting out of bed in the morning or if you spend a lot of time alone. Emotional support animals help reduce stress levels by providing comfort and affection whenever needed. ESAs can help with feelings of fear, anger, or depression by providing company when you need it most!

About Telling the Landlord About Your Emotional Support Animal

Emotional Support Animals

In addition to improving your overall health, having a psychiatric service dog can also be a great way to help you get better sleep. For example, if you suffer from insomnia or nightmares, having an ESA by your side may help you get some much-needed rest.

An assistance animal provides emotional support to individuals with mental and physical disabilities. You can either get a trained or an untrained ESA. You, however, need to qualify for an emotional service animal as a legitimate need for a mental or emotional disability.

An emotional support dog can help those with depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues by providing them with comfort. If you suffer from these conditions, it might be time to consider getting an ESA letter. An ESA letter will allow you to fly with your pet or keep it in your rental car/hotel room.

ESA Letters

An ESA letter explains why you need to bring your emotional support dog into your home or apartment building (or other locations). The ESA letter also provides your landlord with information on properly caring for your dog or cat. If you are interested in getting an ESA letter, work with a licensed mental health professional.

You can get an ESA letter if you have a mental or emotional disability. You may be able to get an emotional support animal letter from your doctor. If you already have an emotional support animal, ask if they will write this letter for you.

You can get an ESA letter if you have physical, sensory, psychiatric, intellectual, or other mental disability. Your doctor must prescribe the ESA letter on official prescription paper. The doctor must also state that having an ESA would help alleviate symptoms related to a diagnosed condition.

How Do I Get an ESA Letter?

If you have an emotional or mental disability making it difficult to function in your daily life, get an ESA letter. This letter can help you live more comfortably. The letter offers you access to reasonable accommodation, transportation, and even public places like restaurants and movie theaters.

Getting an ESA letter is easy now that you know what an emotional support animal is. You will first need to pass a screening test indicating you are a good candidate for an ESA. Your ESA provider will link you to a licensed mental health professional (LMHP). The doctor or therapist will then evaluate your situation.

Mental health professionals also determine if you would benefit from having an ESA letter. Your doctor or therapist will need to fill out the paperwork for you. They will explain why they believe having your pet with you would benefit your emotional and mental disability in the letter.

Upon approval by the health practitioner, your doctor will write you your ESA letter. Your ESA letter will give many benefits, including reasonable accommodation and accessing public spaces.

Mental Health and Overall Well-Being

Professionals train emotional support animals (ESAs) to help people with mental disabilities. Support animals and ESA are companions that can help relieve symptoms related to stress, depression, anxiety, and other mental and emotional disabilities. ESAs perform various tasks that keep their owner safe, healthy, and happy.

Having an ESA animal can lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart disease by lowering stress hormones such as adrenaline and noradrenaline. Pet owners also have a lower resting heart rate than those without pets, indicating lower stress levels overall! However, it’s essential to know how your landlord might react when you request an emotional support animal.

Emotional Support Animals for Veterans

Veterans’ emotional support animals help veterans cope with their PTSD symptoms. These companions provide veterans with unconditional love, affection, and companionship.

They help veterans get over their fear of being alone or in crowds. Veterans who have PTSD may also experience flashbacks and nightmares. An ESA can help them relax and sleep better at night by providing comfort when needed.

Find Help for Your Mental Health

As an emotional support animal owner, you will get companionship, comfort, and affection when you need it most. Emotional support animals also serve as an outlet for those who suffer from sensory overload or hyperactivity.

Some ESAs even help alert their owners when they have an anxiety attack coming on so they can take action before it gets out of control. An ESA animal is also beneficial if diagnosed with depression or anxiety disorders. You can use emotional support animals as part of therapy for PTSD or other types of trauma-related conditions.

An ESA is an essential part of your treatment plan for mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, or PTSD.

Cope With Grief and Loss

The loss of a loved one is a tough time. Therefore, having someone to lean on for support can be invaluable. An emotional support animal is like having a therapist that follows you everywhere!

Dogs are especially good at sensing when something is wrong with their owners. They can feel when there’s a change in their owner’s mood or routine.

An ESA can help you cope with the grief you’re feeling by providing a safe space for you to talk about your feelings and memories. They won’t judge you for crying or for laughing at happy memories. They’ll be there to listen when you need it most.

Increased Concentration and Focus in Daily Activities

If you have trouble concentrating on essential things, like work or schoolwork, an ESA might be able to help. Your support pet acts as a sort of therapy dog in training. Their presence alone may make it easier for you to focus on what needs doing.

An emotional support animal can help improve concentration and focus in daily activities. For example, an emotional support animal will give you the confidence you need to go out and enjoy life. You won’t feel overwhelmed by others around you.

Emotional Support Animals and Housing

The Fair Housing Act (FHA) has protections for people with disabilities who need assistance with animals in their homes. These protections are not limited to dogs and cats but include other animals such as miniature horses or pigs.

The Fair Housing Act prevents housing discrimination against individuals with disabilities who have assistance animals. The FHA requires landlords to allow assistance animals in housing complexes regardless of whether they have “no pets” policies.

However, landlords are allowed to ask for proof of disability and documentation. The evidence will indicate that you need the assistance animal to accommodate the disability. An emotional support animal letter informs landlords and other people that your pet is not just a pet but also a medical necessity.

An ESA letter can help you legally keep your ESA with you in places where pets are otherwise not allowed.

Why Tell Your Landlord About Your ESA Letter

Under the law, your pet is a service animal if it gives you emotional support or comfort. The law permits your emotional support animal in reasonable accommodation, including public and everyday use areas. Some people may not want to share their condition with their landlord. However, there is no law against doing so if it helps them get the help they need.

When you tell your landlord about your service animals, you clarify that you have a disability and need help. Having an emotional support animal can significantly benefit many people who need extra help coping with their disability.

Your ESA Letter Helps You With Your Housing Needs

If you have a legitimate ESA letter from licensed mental health professionals, it’s time to tell your landlord about it. An ESA letter certifies that you have a disability and need your pet to help treat it. The ESA letter will help you avoid discrimination against keeping your emotional support animal.

The landlord will also know what type of animal you are bringing (e.g., a dog). This allows the landlord to make any necessary arrangements for your pet. This way, you can have a great relationship with your landlord through goodwill and honesty.

In most cases, it’s not necessary to tell your landlord about your ESA. However, if you want to rent a ‘no pets policy’ house, you should talk to your landlord before paying your security deposit. Your landlord will be more likely to permit you if you show them your ESA letter.

When to Tell Landlord about Emotional Support Animal

It is important to tell your landlord if you consider getting an emotional support animal. The best way to inform them is by writing a letter and sending it by certified mail with the return receipt requested. This way, they will be able to track when it was delivered and know whether or not they received it.

Explain why you need an emotional support animal and how it will benefit your health and well-being. If possible, include medical documentation from a licensed therapist or doctor. The documentation outlines what type of support your dog would provide if allowed into your home.

Your Rights Under the Fair Housing Act

Under the Fair Housing Act, landlords cannot refuse to rent to you because you’re disabled or have a disability-related need for an assistance animal. In other words, if you need a service animal to mitigate your disability, you’re protected under the Fair Housing Act. However, many states also have laws protecting people with disabilities get reasonable accommodations.

For example, California’s Unruh Civil Rights Act prohibits discrimination against persons with disabilities in public accommodations and restaurants. Under the Fair Housing Act, landlords cannot require tenants to pay extra pet fees for assistance animals.

You can file a complaint if you’re denied reasonable accommodation because of your emotional support animal or assistance animal.

Benefits of An ESA Letter

The benefits of emotional support animal owners having an ESA letter are numerous, but there are some big ones. An ESA letter can help you avoid discrimination or help you prevent pet fees on a property where animals aren’t allowed. It can also help you enjoy peace of mind by knowing that your landlord is aware of your needs and will be sympathetic to them.

It’s important to note that an ESA letter does not entitle you to any special treatment under the law. Landlords still have the right to ask for an animal to be removed if they feel it is disruptive or damaging property. But having this letter can make proving your case easier if problems arise with your landlord or neighbors.

In addition, there are some benefits of having an ESA letter. For instance, airlines may deny boarding to your pet if you’re traveling by plane and don’t have an ESA letter.

Where Can You Get Emotional Support Animals

You can purchase your emotional support animal from a breeder or adopt it from a shelter or rescue organization.

Consult A Licensed Mental Health Professional

If you’re interested in getting an ESA, contact a licensed mental health professional who can give you a legitimate ESA letter. The doctor will tell you if this is the right option for your condition and whether or not they will prescribe one for you. They will also advise you on where to get emotional support dogs.

Contact an Organization That Helps Disabled People Get Emotional Support Animals

Many organizations help disabled people get an emotional support dog based on their unique needs. These organizations can provide you with proper documentation and legal rights to have your ESA accompany you anywhere you go. Organizations like Esapet also offer special training for the animal to behave appropriately in public places such as restaurants or malls.

Emotional Support Specialists

There are many places to get your emotional support animal today! One of the best ways is through therapy dog programs like Esapet. They also offer therapy dog training courses at affordable rates.

Emotional Support Animals vs. Service Dogs

An ESAs differs from a service dog in that it does not undergo the rigorous training as a service dog would undergo. Trainers train a service dog to perform tasks for its owner, such as pulling wheelchairs, retrieving dropped objects, or assisting its owners with mobility issues.

A person who needs an ESA must have their doctor sign off on the need for such an animal before obtaining one legally (unless they already own one). You don’t need an ESA letter for a service dog.

Get Your Emotional Support Animal Today

If you have an emotional or mental disability, you need an ESA. You will get emotional benefits from having a companion pet, such as stress relief, reduced blood pressure, and improved mood. You also get the benefits of having a companion to help you when you need it most. Contact Esapet today and start your recovery, wellness, and happiness journey.