Sandra Carretero | ESA Pet


ESA Pet Staff

Sandra Carretero

I thrive in Market Viability Analysis and Business Development. This means I learn about the company’s vision for growth and how that relates to its culture and clients.
In my previous experience, I was the Revenue Manager for the Atlantic City Casinos and a portfolio of hotels at, the most recent ones in Manhattan adding up to 250 hotels. Previously, I managed hotels in several states totaling 3500 hotels at one time. During my 7-year tenure at, I ventured into the Ethics Ambassador role for the largest office in North America. After leaving I ventured into creating a couple of businesses one being a Vitamin and Supplement Store and the other being a consulting company focused on product development and tech.

Emotional Support Animal for Kids

Emotional Support Animals for Kids With Disabilities

Childhood can present unique challenges, especially for kids with disabilities. Emotional support animals are crucial in supporting these…

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Medical Alert Service Dog

Medical Alert Service Dog: Benefits, Training Tips & More

ESA Pet is dedicated to helping individuals by certifying their pets as PSDs or ESAs. Our simple three-step…

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