A Guide for Renting with Emotional Support Animals (ESAs)

Emotional Support Animals (ESAs) and Renting: A Guide for Tenants

Emotional Support Animals (ESAs) and Renting: A Guide for Tenants
Updated on January 25, 2024
Written by Brenda Mejia

fact checked by Esa Pet Staff

Emotional Support Animals (ESAs) provide therapeutic support to individuals with emotional or mental disabilities. Protected by the Fair Housing Act and Americans With Disabilities Act, ESAs grant tenants with disabilities the right to live with their animals, even in no-pet housing.

Navigating the complexities of Emotional Support Animals (ESAs) is crucial for both tenants and landlords. For tenants, understanding ESA regulations empowers them to confidently request reasonable accommodation for their ESA without facing discrimination. For landlords, a comprehensive understanding of the legal framework surrounding ESAs allows them to navigate accommodation requests fairly and objectively. By working together, both tenants and landlords can create a supportive and understanding environment for everyone.

ESA Classification in Renting

Differentiating ESAs from Ordinary Pets

Unlike regular pets, the multiple types ESAs offer crucial therapeutic support for individuals with disabilities, alleviating symptoms and aiding coping mechanisms. Pets, on the other hand, offer companionship and enjoyment, enriching the lives of their owners but without specific therapeutic benefits.

Additionally, ESAs are protected under the Fair Housing Act and Americans with Disabilities Act, granting tenants the right to live with their ESAs even in “no-pet” housing if reasonable accommodations are made. Pets are generally subject to landlords’ pet policies unless specific local regulations apply.

ESAs require no formal training, though responsible ownership and basic obedience are expected. This is the main difference between service dogs and ESAs. Service Dogs undergo rigorous training to perform specific tasks directly assisting individuals with disabilities.

Federal Recognition of ESAs in Housing

Under the Federal Fair Housing Act, ESAs are recognized as valuable companions for individuals facing emotional or mental challenges. Enacted in 1968, the FHA prohibits discrimination in housing practices, and this includes recognizing the significance of ESAs in providing therapeutic support. This legislation ensures that ESA owners have the right to request reasonable accommodation for assistance animals, even in properties with no-pet policies. 

This recognition extends to various types of housing, including apartments, condominiums, and houses, ensuring that individuals with emotional or mental health conditions can enjoy the benefits of ESA companionship without facing unnecessary hurdles. Whether it’s anxiety, depression, or PTSD, ESAs can be invaluable companions, providing a calming presence, emotional support, and improved ability to cope with daily challenges.

Tenant’s Rights and Obligations

Understanding and fulfilling both your rights and responsibilities as a tenant with an ESA is key to living comfortably and fostering a respectful community within your building.

Under the Fair Housing Act, individuals with ESAs benefit from legal protections against discrimination in housing. This means you have the right to request reasonable accommodation. Landlords cannot deny you housing solely because you have an ESA. They are obligated to consider your request and make reasonable adjustments to their existing policies, such as “no-pet” rules, to accommodate your ESA’s presence. You also have the right to live in the same quality of housing and have access to the same amenities as other tenants, regardless of your ESA.

However, with these rights come essential responsibilities. Your ESA should be under your control at all times, not posing a threat to other residents or causing unreasonable disturbances. Be sure to train your ESA in basic obedience and maintain proper socialization. You are responsible for cleaning up after your ESA and ensuring your living space is kept clean and sanitary. This helps prevent any mess or unpleasant odors from affecting other residents.

Landlord’s Obligations

Landlords are legally obligated to provide reasonable accommodation for tenants with ESAs. This involves adjusting existing rules or policies to cater to the specific needs of tenants with emotional or mental disabilities. This may include modifications to pet policies, allowing tenants to keep their ESAs despite a no-pet policy, and refraining from imposing additional fees specifically for ESAs. 

Specific Obligations Regarding ESAs 

Specific Obligations Regarding ESAs

Let’s explore some key landlord obligations regarding ESA pets:

Recognition as More Than Pets: For individuals with disabilities, ESAs go beyond furry friends – they serve as critical companions, providing vital emotional support that helps manage symptoms and improve quality of life. Recognizing this crucial distinction is essential for landlords to create inclusive and supportive housing environments.

Avoidance of Additional Fees or Deposits: Landlords are prohibited from imposing extra pet fees or deposits to ESAs. This ensures that tenants with ESAs are not subjected to additional financial burdens.

No Breed or Weight Restrictions: Landlords are not allowed to enforce breed or weight restrictions on ESAs. Discrimination based on the breed or size of the animal is against regulations that provide equal housing opportunities for individuals with ESAs, regardless of the animal’s traits.

Acceptable Verification Methods for ESAs

Recognizing the legitimacy of Emotional Support Animals (ESAs) hinges on the possession of an ESA letter, a crucial document provided by a licensed healthcare professional. Landlords are within their rights to request this documentation, but it’s imperative to observe legal boundaries regarding inquiries into the specifics of the tenant’s disability. 

The significance of obtaining and presenting this official documentation extends beyond compliance; it serves as a cornerstone for maintaining transparency and fostering a respectful and cooperative relationship between tenants and landlords.

Requesting Accommodation With an ESA

How to Approach Landlords

Effectively communicating with landlords is essential for a seamless process when requesting accommodation for an Emotional Support Animal (ESA). Tenants should prioritize transparent and open dialogue, presenting necessary documentation such as the ESA letter. This helps build trust and ensures that both parties are on the same page, contributing to a smooth and mutually beneficial living arrangement. 

By engaging in proactive and clear communication, tenants not only demonstrate their commitment to compliance but also foster understanding and cooperation with landlords. This approach establishes a foundation for a positive and collaborative tenant-landlord relationship throughout the ESA accommodation process.

Obtaining an ESA Letter from a Licensed Provider

Obtaining an ESA letter can sometimes feel like navigating a maze, filled with unfamiliar terms and confusing steps. But don’t let uncertainties hold you back from the therapeutic support your Emotional Support Animal (ESA) can offer. Here are the necessary steps:

  • Take a pre-screening to assess your needs.
  • Making a video consultation with a licensed therapist or healthcare provider.
  • Get an ESA Letter.

Get your Official ESA Letter Consultation from a licensed therapist.

Get ESA Letter Now

How to Get an ESA Letter

Not everyone qualifies for an ESA letter. The key is to have a diagnosed emotional or mental health condition that can be demonstrably improved by an ESA’s presence. So, prior to obtaining an Emotional Support Animal (ESA) letter, tenants undergo a pre-screening process. Many reputable providers offer pre-screening assessments to determine your potential eligibility and suitability for an ESA. This can be a good first step to gauge your options and address any initial concerns.

Most providers now offer video consultations, allowing you to discuss your needs and situation from the comfort of your own home. This is a great opportunity to ask questions, get personalized advice, and build rapport with your therapist.

If your needs align with an ESA, you’ll receive a legitimate and valid ESA letter signed by your licensed therapist. It outlines the therapeutic role the assistance animal plays in mitigating the impact of your disability. This letter is essential for requesting reasonable accommodation from landlords and ensuring your ESA can be your supportive companion throughout your journey.

Landlord’s Response

Timelines and Procedures

Landlords are legally required to respond to ESA accommodation requests promptly. The timelines vary, but a reasonable timeframe is expected. Common responses include approval, denial with valid reasons, or requests for additional information. 

Understanding the potential outcomes of landlords’ responses is crucial for tenants seeking accommodation for an Emotional Support Animal (ESA). This knowledge enables tenants to navigate the accommodation process more effectively, making informed decisions and taking appropriate steps based on the landlord’s response. 

Addressing Potential Denials and Legal Recourse

Facing a denial of reasonable accommodation for your Emotional Support Animal (ESA) can be frustrating and confusing. But taking a strategic approach can help you advocate for your rights and find a solution. Here’s what you can do:

Review the validity of the denial reasons: First, get a copy of the denial in writing. Review it carefully to understand the landlord’s specific reasons. Are they claiming your ESA isn’t legitimate? Do they have concerns about its size or breed? Is there another reason they’re citing? Under the Fair Housing Act, landlords cannot deny ESA accommodation based on breed, size, or weight restrictions alone. They can only deny an ESA if it poses a direct threat to the health or safety of others, causes substantial property damage, or disrupts the living environment in a significant way.

Consult with the landlord to address concerns: Open communication is key. Schedule a meeting with your landlord to discuss their concerns. Explain your ESA’s role in your well-being and address their specific worries. Offer alternative solutions, like providing additional documentation from your therapist or proposing specific training for your ESA.

Seek legal advice or file a complaint with relevant housing authorities if necessary: If your conversation with the landlord doesn’t yield results, don’t give up. Seek legal advice from an attorney specializing in housing law. They can help you understand your rights and explore potential legal options, such as mediation or filing a complaint with the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

No-Pet Policies and Exceptions

Exemptions for ESAs in Buildings with No-Pet Policies

ESAs, vital for individuals with disabilities, enjoy an exemption from no-pet policies in residential buildings. This exception acknowledges the unique role of ESAs as companions addressing specific emotional or mental needs. While tenants relish this accommodation, they must responsibly ensure service dogs or any other type of ESAs don’t disrupt others or cause property damage.

It’s important to note that these exceptions aren’t arbitrary but are a result of a careful balance between the rights of tenants with disabilities and the property management’s interests. ESAs contribute to the mental and emotional stability of their owners, and by allowing them in no-pet buildings, the law aims to create an inclusive living environment. However, tenants must adhere to responsible pet ownership practices, ensuring that their ESAs don’t disrupt the peace or cause damage to the property. 

Breed and Weight Discrimination Concerns

The Fair Housing Act shields tenants with ESAs from discriminatory policies based on breed or weight. This means landlords cannot automatically deny your ESA based on its size or type. They can only deny an ESA if it poses a legitimate threat to others, causes significant property damage, or disrupts the living environment in a substantial way.

If you encounter a landlord trying to impose unfair restrictions on your ESA, first try open communication. Schedule a meeting with your landlord to discuss their concerns and explain your ESA’s important role in your well-being. If communication doesn’t resolve the issue, don’t hesitate to seek legal advice. An attorney specializing in housing law can help you understand your rights and explore legal options.

Fees and Deposits

Landlords face legal restrictions when it comes to imposing extra fees or deposits exclusively for ESAs. Unlike traditional pets, tenants with emotional support animals (ESAs) cannot be burdened with additional financial obligations. If an ESA causes any damages, landlords are within their rights to address these issues. However, it’s crucial to note that deductions for such damages should be handled ethically and in accordance with existing laws. Specifically, any costs incurred due to ESA-related damages should be deducted from the general security deposit, ensuring fair and lawful practices in the landlord-tenant relationship. 

Your ESA is Exempt from Pet Fees

According to the FHA, Emotional Support Animals and Service Dogs are exempt from any pet fees, deposits or pet rents.

Learn More about Pet Fees

Dealing with Uncooperative Landlords

Strategies for Amicable Resolution

Tenants encountering difficulties with uncooperative landlords have several strategies at their disposal. The first approach involves open and honest communication, where tenants can express their needs and concerns, fostering a transparent dialogue. Another effective avenue is seeking mediation services, which can act as a neutral ground for both parties to explore compromises and find common ground.

HUD Complaint Process as a Last Resort

Involving the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requires a careful understanding of the timing and procedure for filing a complaint. This step should be approached with a clear awareness of when and how to engage HUD to navigate the complaint process effectively, serving as a final recourse in resolving disputes with uncooperative landlords.

Another effective avenue for amicable resolution is to suggest mediation services. Mediation acts as a neutral ground, providing a platform for both parties to engage in constructive discussions facilitated by an impartial third party. This collaborative process encourages compromises that respect the rights and needs of both tenants and landlords, promoting a positive living environment for everyone involved. 


In conclusion, ESAs and renting require a balanced understanding of both tenant and landlord perspectives. By respecting legal obligations, fostering open communication, and seeking amicable resolutions, tenants and landlords can build harmonious relationships that accommodate the needs of individuals with emotional support animals. 
As the importance of emotional support animals gains recognition, adherence to established guidelines ensures a mutually beneficial living environment where tenants can enjoy the companionship of their ESAs while landlords fulfill their duty to provide reasonable accommodation within the boundaries of the law. Contact ESA Pet for Personalized Assistance